Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"I'm a Little Tea Cup" Rap by FancyInFourthProductions

Here in fourth grade, we have some hysterical personalities. Some of the boys were jokingly "not thrilled" about our BRAND NEW "Boogie Boards," (which are totally amazing) so after they realized how awesome they were and decided they wanted one, I made them earn one! The boys had to rap "I'm a Little Tea Cup" to earn their new and fancy white boards.
Vocals: Liam
Beat Box: Damien
Break Dancing: Joey

Star Student

Michael earned Star Student this week by showing his improvement during class time. Michael showed his intelligence in math this week and has worked hard to improve other subjects! You're a RoCkStAr, Michael!

Star Student

Gio earned Star Student by improving his organization and also by being a Rockstar in math class! Gio is always looking for a challenge! Awesome job, Gio!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Introducing: Mustache Reading HW!

I Must-ache You a Question
Questions for Reading Comprehension
Ms. Guarino’s 4th Grade

Each night, Ms. Guarino will assign you a number. Find that number question and answer it for homework in your Language Arts notebook. You must answer these questions using at least 4 fourth grade sentences. You must write in cursive. Note to self: Don’t ever hand in something that isn’t your absolute best work!